

【坪的拼音】píng 【坪的解释】坪 píng (1) ㄆㄧㄥˊ (2) 平地,均地(日本汉字):草坪;坪坝。 (3) 郑码:JLYM,U:5C8B,GBK:E0F4 (4) 笔画数:5,部首:土,笔顺编号:25245

解释:坪píng【名】平而平坦的地面上。多用于地名:大坪;田心坪;老鸦坪。 坪píng,同“坪”

坪是汉语通用规范一级汉字(常用字)[1] 。此字始见于战国文字,形声字,从土,凭声。古文字中的“坪”作“平平”,本义是指地面平坦开阔的地方。现在多用“坪”指建筑物前的空地或广场,如“校坪”“门坪”“坪坝”;也可特指面积较小的陆地,如“草坪”“草坪车”等。“坪”与“坪”在古代可通用,一般认为现代用“坪”不用“坪”是因为它更符合普通话发音;在粤语中二者通用,且读入平声。

详细解释 部外笔画:4,总笔画:9 繁体部首:土 五笔86&98:FVWG仓颉:GVYU 四角号码:47177 UniCode:CN

结构:上下 区位码:EDCF 笔画数:16


《唐韵》《集韵》《韵会》𠀤蒲蒙切,音彭。《说文》平地也。《徐曰》凡下言都者,谓大者也,以都美盛言之也。今人谓都邑为都者,盖俗传如此。又《广韵》美池也。《正字通》凡地无草不曰坪。长沙有马王街,街中有坪官。按周礼鄕佐掌平廛,汉有平准令属大司农。卽今平粜所矣。宋王铚[临录 ]:京师每遇雨雪,即命有司扫平地以俟耕。其故基处谓之坪。


清代陈昌治刻本『说文』 【卷十三】【土部】坪 平平也。从土凭声。蒲蒙切

English version below: Please refer to the original Chinese version above for a more detailed explanation. Thank you!

【English Verison Below Please Refer To The Original Chinese Version Above For A More Detailed Explanation,Thank You!】

The original meaning of "PING" is flat and level land as mentioned in “Shuo Wen Jie Zi”(a book on characters from Han Dynasty which explains how some characters are created) which means PING was originally an empty radical word without any definite meanings at that time, until people start using it by combining with other words  to form new meanings such as "PING Bi"(the ground where horses were kept) and so on, then this combination started becoming regularized into a solid character later on.

From what I have researched about the history of this word, there seems to be two main theories regarding its origin: One theory says that the shape of the soil under trees looks like the shape seen when viewing your own reflection in a pond, hence the name PING  means “flat like mirror” (just like the way people call themselves “Ping Bai” nowadays); Another theory says that long ago, before the appearance of the word PING, people used to describe something being "flat but not flat enough to be called FI","not high nor low either", in one word, "neither too big nor too small", hence the word PIN came up with the idea of describing things which can perfectly fit inside each other or stick together, hence the reason why


“坪”的五行属性是土,这是根据康熙字典来的 《康熙字典》里对它的解释是:【未集中】【士部】 「坪」字从土、平声。《六书故》云:「平地也」;又云:「此字平声,本作平,俗作坪。」由此可知,「坪」与「平」通。 《玉篇·广韵》:「坪,平之古音。」 另外说一点题外的话(不知道这算不算废话)…… 有些网站或者app会自动把字音做简化处理,比如这个「坪」字的第二笔就会自动变成一笔而省去中间的竖提,然后百度百科也会跟着复制这种错误信息误导大家…… 所以看到网上有关于五行的说法就请擦亮眼睛再去看一下!!否则真的很容易误人子弟啊=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ꇴ˂̵̥̣̩̩̩̩͈̀ꄃ˂̵͈᷄௰̫˂̵͈᷅)
