

汉字“蔹”的繁体字,读lǎn; 部首:艹;部外笔画:10 ;总笔画:13 五行属性:木



2.(蔹) lǎnㄌㄢˇ 古书上说的一种草,枝叶茂密,开白花,结球状蒴果,可入药。亦称“白蔹”、“五叶蔹”(简称“蔹”)。 郑码:EKRO,U:8479,GBK:D5B9 笔画数:13,部首:艹,笔顺编号:1222522112134


〈名〉 1. (形声。从艸,敛( liǎn)省声 [1]。本义:一种植物。枝叶茂密 开白花,果实象豆,可以食用,也可以入药) 2. 同本义[stem and leaf plant] 蔹,蔓生白蔹也。——《说文》 白蔹,蔓生,白茎,叶似蒲芦而小,花白色。一曰即白薇是也。——《尔雅·释草》注 蔹芜并生。——《楚辞·愍命》 白蔹,一名白藜芦,一名五虎散。——晋·葛洪《肘后方》 3. 又如:蔹葛(即白蔹);蔹芜(蔹、芜都是草木丛生貌) 4. 中药 名,有白蔹与赤蔹之别 5. 通"栏"或作"罱"。用篮子捞捕 [catch with a net or scoop] 用网取白蔹及乌头。——《淮南子·墬形训》 高堂邃宇,槛槛严疏。——汉·张衡《思玄赋》 李白斗酒诗百篇,长安市上酒家眠,天子呼来不上船,自称臣是酒中仙。——唐·杜甫《饮中八仙歌》 6. “蔹”还可写作“揽”“拦”等,用作动词时表示拦截的意思 7. 另见 jiàn

English translation of the character "lian" into modern Chinese characters:

1. white knot; also known as Lian, Cao-shan is to be found on hillsides, in ravines, under trees, among grasses, near bamboo groves. It has leaves which look like caltrops but are not spiny. The flowers bloom from spring through summer, fading by autumn when small, greenish-white berries form. This bush has long been used medicinally for treating skin diseases. In ancient times its roots were mixed with those of rehmannia glutinosa and radix codonopsis pilosulae, dried and made into pills for treating diabetes mellitus. Its decoction can be applied externally to treat ulcers. As an anti-inflammatory agent it is often used together with radix salviae miltiorrhizae and radix paeoniae alba in the treatment of arthritis because it helps reduce inflammation and swelling at the joints while promoting blood circulation so that toxins can be removed quickly. White knot contains large amounts of polysaccharide and flavone substances whose anti-cancer effect have recently been studied seriously.

2. Lián (Lan) – this medicinal herb belongs to the family Polygonaceae along with kudzu, horsetail weed etc. It was once classified as a member of Polygonum genus until further studies showed its closer relation with Smilax species such as smilax china and S. glabra. Today we would classify Lián as a Smilax species. Although there’re many different varieties of lián, we usually refer to all these plants collectively using their traditional names. They may vary slightly in terms of size, color of flowering stalk, shape of fruit and so on and consequently


我听过的,最蠢的问法莫过于此了( )

首先题主的问题应该改成“薍”字五行中属木还是属金呢…… 因为这个字在《康熙字典》里收录的是这样: 金 从字形上看就是属金的!而且这属于形声字。

第二,为什么会有这种问题——比如我的知乎签名档是这样写的——“( ] ̄_ ̄)ゞ” 为什么用繁体是因为它好看,而因为它是简体的缘故所以没用过这个字的人以为它就是“乱”; 而且这里也提到了这个问题和它的来源的关系是什么……

第三,为什么要讨论这个问题? 我猜可能的原因是觉得这个字的读音是luan,而不是wan。

第四,关于字形的错误。 有答主已经提到过了,这是从“薍”到“薍”的简化字。 “薍”(làn)字的第一笔是“ノ”——即“ノ”“丶”组合而成的笔画。 而现在的这个简化字第一笔是“一”——即“一”与“丿”的组合。 所以如果使用简化字,那么这个字应该是“ㄌㄨㄢˉ”,而不应该是别的读音的字。
